Think and Speak at the same time

Why it is Impossible to Think and Speak at the Same Time

Any amount of worry about public speaking, from stage fright to mild anxiety, makes it hard to coordinate what you say with what you want to say. You might think too fast to keep up with what you are saying, or your mind might “freeze” and stop you from talking. 

In any case, it comes down to match what you say to what you think. So, how can chaotic thought be slowed down to the speed of everyday speech? Conversely, how could you speed up your thinking at other times to avoid awkward silences?

How Do You Pay Attention?

Mental concentration is the ability to focus on and develop a single idea over a long period.

Several things affect the ability to focus. Some of these are how detailed the information is, how well you know the subject, and how you feel about it. It is much easier to pay attention if you are interested in what you are talking about.

You may remember when you were in school, and a teacher taught you about math. You might have gone along with it for a while, but you probably started to think about something else at some point. You lost concentration. Because you were not paying attention, you needed to understand the idea at the time fully. If you want to increase your attention while talking, you can learn it with a  motivational speaker coach. They have a good experience in this field.

Talk and Think at The Same Time

Change is possible in the brain, and it can adapt. It has learned how to do complicated processing by using and improving the basic mechanisms it has always used to do simple tasks.

If you can improve your brain’s fundamental ability to stay focused, it will be easier for you to handle more complicated tasks.

If you do exercises to improve your focus and attention span, you will be able to think more quickly on your feet.

The Performance Is A Chance to Show off, Not Think about Things

The time it takes to think about, plan, and practice a presentation is much longer than it takes to give it. Therefore, this last step is the most important, while the rest are just ways to prepare for the performance.

After all, that is what public speaking is all about. The people you are trying to sell to need you to say whatever you want—information, inspiration, motivation, problem-solving, etc.—in a way that shows you understand and embody the facts or purpose. So, it is not too much of an exaggeration to say that you bring the subject to life. If you were not there, this would not happen. Motivational speaker coaches are well known for their excellent public speaking skills. You can take their training courses and can learn more things from there.

You are putting your whole life and career on the line with your pitches, comments, panel appearances, or anything else. Can you keep all of these things in mind when you talk? Of course not. You are always performing “you” as much as you are performing the material, and it has to start the moment you walk on stage (or join the virtual meeting). So, in addition to planning your speech ahead of time, you should also have practiced it. So, what else should we think about? Now that the curtain has been pulled back, it is time to go out and bring down the house.


A lot of exercises are meant to help you focus and require you to keep giving your brain more challenging tasks. These exercises are meant to strengthen connections in the brain. Also, there are several online voice coaches for speaking that are available and can teach you at very reasonable fees.

Doing symbol relations exercises regularly, for example, will teach your brain to focus more when solving complex problems.

In the same way, memory exercises can help your brain focus more quickly on what you are trying to remember. You should know how vital cognitive attention is and how to improve it. Getting better at mental attention will help you think and talk better on the spot.

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